One of the worst web site problems is actually one of the easiest to resolve. 

dancing-bananaA few years ago it was really new and popular to have animated images jumping, flopping and spinning on your pages. Often these images were silly cartoon types which really served no purpose at all.  It was a novelty and, as most novelties end up, it was very overused and it’s popularity short lived.

These days visitors tend to find animated images distracting and old fashioned. Not what you want for your web site today.

Now, do not confuse this with “Sliders” or “Carousels” which are a series of images that present themselves in sequence. This is a very popular and well received way to provide some motion and interest without overdoing it or annoying visitors. For you WordPress users, there are several great Slider plugins.

What We Suggest…
Go through your web site now!! And try hard to look at it with the eyes of a new visitor.  Does it look clean and fresh?  Is there too much information on the home page or any other individual page.? Can people easily and quickly find what they are looking for?

Now for the hard part…
Ask someone NOT part of your organization and who is NOT familiar with your web site to go though it and tell you what they think and ask them specifically what they would change to make it better.  This can be hard to hear because we all think our web sites are fine…. even fabulous. But what do visitors really think when they are on your site.

Regardless of the answer… you NEED to know.