Automatic Peace of Mind For Around 40 Cents Per Day!!
Malware has become an epidemic and the onslaught of attacks shows no sign of abating. Instead, it is getting worse by the day.
Sometimes all hackers do is replace your home page with their own. Sometimes they will erase all your files.
Without warning your website is BLOCKED by Google and/or other search engines. It can take weeks to remedy this once it is discovered.
And, YOU are stuck with the high costs of getting your site repaired and all the work to get the site removed from blacklists.
Partnering With…
The Premier Solutions For Malware Monitoring, Identification, Alerting and Removal.
Did You Know?
Malware has become an epidemic and the onslaught of attacks shows no sign of abating. Instead, it is getting worse by the day. Desktops, laptops, mobile devices, home & office networks are all under attack by hackers every minute of every day. Despite installing the latest software updates on our computers, attacks and infections still prevail. Sourcefire research indicates that in many organizations up to 10% of all computers are infected at any given time.
What’s At Risk For You?
• Without warning your website is BLOCKED by Google and/or other search engines
• Suddenly, people no longer trust your site
• Your site is blacklisted for Phishing attacks
• Anti-virus lists start blocking your website
• Email you send never arrives or bounces
• Your entire web presence is virtually GONE.
• High costs of site repair to get back online
How Could This Happen?
Who can explain the mind of a malicious hacker who simply wants to prove that he or she can weasel their way into your website.Sometimes all they will do is replace your home page with their own. Sometimes they will erase all your files. Sometimes they will quietly insert malicious code to gather info or to direct your visitors to a different site where they can be exploited.
And, all too often, YOUR site suffers the consequences.
It’s About The Money!!!
Another reason a hacker will break into your website is to quietly insert code that contains bogus bank or financial info. They then send out thousands of emails warning the recipient that their account is in danger and telling them to go to their account and log in. BUT… the person actually gets sent to YOUR website where the hacker has files setup to gather their financial info.
RESULT??? The hacker gets people’s account info and their money while YOU get blocked for Phishing.
And, YOU are stuck with the high costs of getting your site repaired and all the work to get the site removed from blacklists.
We can help shield you from this growing threat for around than 40 cents a day!!!
OK, this sounds great but just how much time and work does this take me? Glad you asked….. Read More And Find Out